How is calculated the weight of a thumbnail?

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How is calculated the weight of a thumbnail?

Post by Zamarza »


Right now I am using Gavick News Show Pro GK5 to present K2 articles on my homepage.

Usually an article is presented with a picture weighted 70 ko. With NSP5, the thumbnail is well created when displayed on the home page but the weight is still 70 ko. I have many images displayed. Finally, the total weight of the images is huge on my homepage.

My question: with RAXO, is it a real crop that you use to display the thumbnails? Is the weight of an image reduced when displayed as a thumbnail?

Thanks for your reply
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Re: How is calculated the weight of a thumbnail?

Post by Lisa »

Yes, our module uses real resize and resize with crop.
For example, if your article images are big (e.g. 720px width), and you create thumbnails (e.g. 200px width), the weight of such thumbnails will be less.

Let's check if our module will work for you. Send us (better by email) several images from your site and let us know what thumbnail size (hieght and width) you need.
We will test how your images are proceeded by our module thumbnail library. We will send you the thumbnail files so you can compare.
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Re: How is calculated the weight of a thumbnail?

Post by Zamarza »

Hi Lisa,

I sent you a private message with some information.

Would you also tell me if the images are resized even they are coming from the images folder?
This is the problem I have with NSP GK5. They resize the images just if they are stored in the images folder.
My images are coming from different folders.

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Re: How is calculated the weight of a thumbnail?

Post by Lisa »

I've made a test how the module makes thumbs.

Your original is 1024 x 600px - 63.5kb
The module created a thumb of 320 x 190px - 17.5kb
I've made a test with standard module settings. But there is image jpg quality parameter in the module thumbnail library that you can adjust from 10 to 99 (90 by default). This parameter strongly impacts the quality and size of the created thumbnails.

Would you also tell me if the images are resized even they are coming from the images folder?
The module proceeds images from your articles. And it's not important in which folder the images are located.
The module can even create thumbnails from the images located on other domains, e.g. on Flickr.
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Re: How is calculated the weight of a thumbnail?

Post by agu »

Hello Lisa,

I bought the product to use with K2. It works perfectly on our website (except the little bug that you have corrected).

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