[FAQ] How to ask questions to get quick support

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[FAQ] How to ask questions to get quick support

Post by Lisa »

The more accurate and concrete information you give us, the quicker you get the solution. 90% of support requests are solved within minutes.
Please make sure you provide us with the following information:
  • Specify which RAXO Extension you are using, its version, and Joomla version.
  • State clearly what is the problem. Give an accurate description of the issue, and when it occurs. If there are some problems – ask one per request.
  • Description or screenshot of how it should be without the problem.
  • The most important is - Link to the site page where you have the issue. If you don’t have a live site, send us a copy of that page. To detect what’s wrong we must see the code of the page with a problem.
  • Specify what settings you use or send screenshots of the RAXO extension administration panel.
Let the information you provide be excessive. It’s much worse when your request gives us zero information on the problem.
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