Which files does RAXO module update regularly?

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Joined: May 12, 2015 9:36 pm

Which files does RAXO module update regularly?

Post by garfunkel »


Hope you can help me, but my Joomla keeps getting hacked and although it has nothing to do with Raxo, I have a cron that tells me each day which files have changed so I can catch it early. I noticed that although Raxo updates this file every day:

Code: Select all

I randomly seem to have updates on files such as below and was curious if you can confirm they are your updates or a way hackers keep smuggling files in under the radar please?

Code: Select all

Thanks very much
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Re: Which files does RAXO module update regularly?

Post by Admin »

There is nothing to worry about.
This is the standard work of the thumbnail library.

The thumbnail library constantly updates the timestamp of this file when creating the next thumbnail.

Code: Select all

Later this information (timestamp) is used for cache management purposes.
For example, for automatic cleaning outdated images.
Posts: 2
Joined: May 12, 2015 9:36 pm

Re: Which files does RAXO module update regularly?

Post by garfunkel »

Thank you for the info.
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