New Joomla URL routing (modern) for articles in RAXO All-mode PRO?

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New Joomla URL routing (modern) for articles in RAXO All-mode PRO?

Post by woweb31 »

I have created a bricks module that shows all posts of a category, where this category is part of a super category "Rubrics". The display works fine, but the resulting URL to a single post is confusing: "https://[myProjectPage.domain]/rubriken/veranstaltungen?view=article&id=29:beitrag-5&catid=21". Apparently the module isn't handling the new Joomla routing for posts ("modern"), but still runs with the old routing ("compatible"). That is bad for SEO.
Are there any settings to activate the new routing for the Raxo All-mode-Pro? Or is there expected an update of the plugin to do this?

Thanks for an answer!

Last edited by woweb31 on Mar 16, 2020 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Joomla URL routing (modern) for articles in RAXO All-mode PRO?

Post by Admin »

Our modules use core Joomla URL routing to get links to articles.
The module does not generate these links but shows those that URL Routing gave to it.

Therefore, you can be sure that RAXO modules support both the new Modern and Legasy Joomla URL routings.
module that shows all posts of a category, where this category is part of a super category "Rubrics"
The problem is that for all these categories and subcategories you need to create the corresponding menu items, but you did not create them.

The menu that you have now is not relevant to these categories.
MENU: Rubriken > Veranstaltungen ... > Pressemitteilungen ...
This is some kind of fake menu, which is only called as your categories.
I don’t know why you are doing this, create a bunch of empty articles, create menu items for them, naming them as your categories, thinking that this will all get in touch, it won’t work out that way.

Create real menu items for your categories and then the ULR of your articles will work fine. In the meantime, you have serious problems with the structure of your site, which, as you know, in Joomla is based on the menu.

Try to make this fix for at least one of your categories and see how everything works right away.
Read more about this here:
Posts: 2
Joined: Feb 28, 2020 5:53 pm

Re: New Joomla URL routing (modern) for articles in RAXO All-mode PRO?

Post by woweb31 »

Thanks a lot, it worked.
Problem solved.
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