RAXO Related Articles and Tags

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RAXO Related Articles and Tags

Post by danjde »

Hi Support,
I create an article and connect it to some tags: tag1, tag2, tag3.
RAXO Related Articles and Tags can show only the first tag (tag1) until I create a new article with different tags?

Basically, it should always show the content related to the first tag of the last (by creation date) article.

Is it possible?


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Re: RAXO Related Articles and Tags

Post by Admin »

I not sure I understand you correctly.

Explain your task in more detail and point by point.
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Re: RAXO Related Articles and Tags

Post by danjde »


1) I create a new article
2) I associate this with a first tag, for example "tag1"
3) Then associate this one with a second tag, for example "tag2"
4) Then associate this one with a third tag, for example "tag3"

If I go to the new article, just above the article I can see:

[tag1] [tag2] [tag3]

I aspect (I ask if it is possible) that "RAXO Related Articles and Tags" show me only the related contents to "tag1" (the first one that I have associated) in descending order of creation (the oldest at the end).

Is this possible? or something like that?

I hope to be more clear now :-)

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How RAXO Related Articles and RAXO All-mode PRO work with Tags?

Post by Admin »

I will explain with an example
We have several articles on the site, say 100 and new ones are constantly being added.
Articles are assigned tags: tag1, tag2, and tag3. Each article can have either one tag or all three in any order.

How RAXO Related Articles works with the "Related by Tags" option:
1) This module will be shown ONLY on the pages of the articles themselves (not on the main page of the site, not on the category page);
2) The module will automatically determine which tags are assigned to the current (viewed) article and will find and display other articles with the same tags. If two different articles have at least one identical tag, then they are considered similar.
3) A list of similar articles found can be shown in any order you need, go by the creation date - no problem.

How RAXO All-mode PRO works with a "Filter by Tags":
1) The module can be displayed on any page of your site: it can be the main page, the category page or the pages of your articles.
2) In the module settings, you yourself specify the tag (or several tags) by which articles will be searched. The module will display only the articles that have such tags assigned.
3) The list of articles found can be shown in any order you need.

When new articles appear on the site, they will automatically be shown in these two modules if they satisfy the given conditions.
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Filtering Raxo output by article's tags

Post by tradcat »


Right now if you want to filter articles using Raxo filter, you have to explicitly specify desired tags in "Joomla! tags" text field:
Would it be possible to convert it to a dropdown with 2 options: "From article's tags" and "Specific tags" (and on selecting the latter currently used edit box would be made visible).

When using "From article's tags" it would display articles, having same tags as current article.
If there are 5 tags assigned to current article, related articles would be chosen from each tag, then again from each tag, so that it would result in mix in articles with different tags and not in a list of all articles from the first tag.
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Re: Filtering Raxo output by article's tags

Post by Admin »

tradcat wrote: May 09, 2023 5:53 pm When using "From article's tags" it would display articles, having same tags as current article.
If there are 5 tags assigned to current article, related articles would be chosen from each tag, then again from each tag, so that it would result in mix in articles with different tags and not in a list of all articles from the first tag.
I'm not sure I fully understood your request, but similar features already exist in our RAXO Related Articles module.
This module analyzes the tags of the current article and searches for similar articles with the same set of tags.
The resulting list can then be output in any order, including the Most Relevant First option.
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Re: RAXO Related Articles and Tags

Post by tradcat »

Thank you - I've missed that one.
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