Can the 'Read More' links go to other websites?

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Can the 'Read More' links go to other websites?

Post by andrew222 »


Instead of the 'Read More' links going to actual articles on the website is it possible to make the links shown on the front page go directly to other websites to read the 'full story'. Is that possible at all or does everything just link to pages on the current website?

The idea is to have a couple of preview sentences and then send the reader of to a Reuters page to read the entire story.


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Re: Can the 'Read More' links go to other websites?

Post by Lisa »

In Joomla read more always links to internal Joomla site pages. So read more in the module always links to the full article page on your site.
Though what you describes is possible to do without standard readmore. And our module will help you.
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Re: Can the img link to other websites?

Post by gnostic19 »

Same question...sort of. I want the image from an article to go to external URL directly from the module i don't want the link to go to the article that the image is sourced from. How would i do this?
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Re: Can the 'Read More' links go to other websites?

Post by Admin »

You need to do the following:
- disable thumbnails in module settings;
- in advanced options in "Allowed tags" write: a,img

The module will display images with links (external URL), as they are in your articles.
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Make read more link use "Link A"

Post by alegeus »


Is there a way to access an article's "Link A" value from the database in a Raxo template?

We have a news section which references articles posted on external sites, so I'd like it to link directly to those.

I'm using Joomla! 3.3.0.

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Re: Can the 'Read More' links go to other websites?

Post by Lisa »

The module doesn't work with this field.
To make the module do what you suggest requires a serious module modification, which is beyond the support questions.

Read the posts above to learn how to you can organize links to external work in the module.
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Is it possbile to add a URL link to a K2 item?

Post by christol »

Using for instance the Grid view ( ... -grid.html) ... is it possible to specify a URL instead of being forward to the K2 article?

I would like a user to enter my site and see 4 K2 images with a short description. When clikcing on the image I would like it to be redirected to a sub-domain. Is this possible?

Can you think of a way how to solve this (using additional fields maybe)?
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Re: Can the 'Read More' links go to other websites?

Post by Admin »

I would like a user to enter my site and see 4 K2 images with a short description. When clicking on the image I would like it to be redirected to a sub-domain. Is this possible?
Why do you want to make that so complicated - create K2 items, make some additional fields, then trying to use the module the way it's not designed for?

You can do that much easier:
1. Use Joomla standard "Custom HTML" module.
2. Insert your images with the links to your subdomains.
3. Place this module where you need on your site.
That's all.
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Possible to add external URL to main image?

Post by christol »

I am an "old" customer of yours for the K2 items. I have not worked with them for a while but I am now planning for a new project that involves your component using Joomla articles only.

I have some questions:
1. Can you give me some existing customer discount?
2. Is it possible in the "Columns Module Layout" to have the first image that the visitor sees as a URL to an external website (ie not to the full article)?

See attached image for better understanding.

Hope to hear from you soon.
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Re: Can the 'Read More' links go to other websites?

Post by Admin »

Hello Christoffer,
Can you give me some existing customer discount?
Yes, see this topic:
Special Customer Discount viewtopic.php?f=8&t=281

Is it possible in the "Columns Module Layout" to have the first image that the visitor sees as a URL to an external website (ie not to the full article)?
If you use RAXO All-mode K2, then you can use K2 extra fields and display them in the module output. This module supports K2 extra fields so you can modify Columns layout for your needs (by making the copy of this layout and adding your changes there). You can create extra field URL for your K2 items and then assign this URL for thumbnails and titles in the module. This requires some skills.
See this instruction:
How to use K2 extra fields in RAXO module viewtopic.php?p=7248#p7248
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