Can it display like this

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Re: News page

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leivco wrote: Mar 02, 2022 3:42 pm Is it possible for RAXO All-mode PRO or RAXO Related Articles to have the presentation and functionality that is found at
More likely No than yes.

A certain archive of articles is implemented on this page, where the user himself can choose the subcategory and month of the year. Depending on this selection, a suitable set of articles is displayed.

In our RAXO All-mode PRO module there is an opportunity to choose articles from their category and additionally filtering by date. But this selection makes the site administrator and it is not available to the site visitor.

Therefore, to implement a similar archive will need:
1) Make a lot of separate copies of the module with separate settings.
2) Then make a separate menu of the site with the desired menu items. Each menu item assign to display a separate copy of the module.
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