Things I need to know before use RAXO
Things I need to know before use RAXO
I consider about using your product and I need to know a few things about it first. So...
1. Can I use the module multiple times in a single page? Is there a 'restriction' or do bugs occur if I use this module quite a few times in each page and how many times is that?
2. What about the number of categories may need to be loaded? Does it take too long to load if there are many categories?
3. Does any kind of problem shows up in sites with a high number of visitors at the same time?
Thanks in advance!
I consider about using your product and I need to know a few things about it first. So...
1. Can I use the module multiple times in a single page? Is there a 'restriction' or do bugs occur if I use this module quite a few times in each page and how many times is that?
2. What about the number of categories may need to be loaded? Does it take too long to load if there are many categories?
3. Does any kind of problem shows up in sites with a high number of visitors at the same time?
Thanks in advance!
Re: Things I need to know before use RAXO
Yes, you can use multiple module copies on the same page with any of our module templates.
You can display items from one/several categories or from all categories. When using the module parameters and filters smartly, there won't be any trouble. The general recommendation is not to display more than 200 items with thumbnails per module copy.
And answering to your last questions, in customer support area you'll find our recommendations how to optimize site performance for sites with high number of visitors.
You can display items from one/several categories or from all categories. When using the module parameters and filters smartly, there won't be any trouble. The general recommendation is not to display more than 200 items with thumbnails per module copy.
And answering to your last questions, in customer support area you'll find our recommendations how to optimize site performance for sites with high number of visitors.
I like what I see, but I nees some answers first.
1. I understand that not all of your templates uses TOP items. I liked the "bricks" template and I wonder if TOP items can be added to this template. The same goes for "grid" template...
2. I didn't noticed this on the demos.... Can you add at the bottom of the module, a link that goes to the category? For an exapmple , the module shows 5 articles from category A. At the bottom could be a button/link/whatever to " more articles from category A", OR "more from this category"....
Hope you understand my bad english.
Thanks in advance.
I like what I see, but I nees some answers first.
1. I understand that not all of your templates uses TOP items. I liked the "bricks" template and I wonder if TOP items can be added to this template. The same goes for "grid" template...
2. I didn't noticed this on the demos.... Can you add at the bottom of the module, a link that goes to the category? For an exapmple , the module shows 5 articles from category A. At the bottom could be a button/link/whatever to " more articles from category A", OR "more from this category"....
Hope you understand my bad english.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Things I need to know before use RAXO
Yes, some of our templates don't use TOP items. TOP items are used only when there is a need to divide the module output into two different by design groups of items (e.g. Portal). In some templates all items go as one list and don't require TOP items (e.g. Bricks).
You can make a copy of any module template and alter it according to your needs by using the other templates as examples.
Or. as the easiest way, use two module copies with the same template. See the second example in this blog post: ... ase-1.html
You can make a copy of any module template and alter it according to your needs by using the other templates as examples.
Or. as the easiest way, use two module copies with the same template. See the second example in this blog post: ... ase-1.html
Yes, you can use "Show all" function that allows you place any text and any link. See more about this in the module documentation:Can you add at the bottom of the module, a link that goes to the category?

how to do the language localization and can I add watermarks to my article images?
Hi Raxo, my site is in Chinese, can I easily do the Chinese language localization by myself and how? another pre-buying question is whether this extension can add waterkars to my article images, if not, do you have such plugins to recommend which won't conflict with RAXO All-mode Pro? Thanks in advance!
Re: Things I need to know before use RAXO
Localizations in RAXO modules comply with Joomla localization rules. There is a separate localization file for each language. So it won't be difficult to make a copy of e.g. English localization and change parameter values to the Chinese.
Our modules doesn't add any changes in your articles images, so no doesn't add any watermarks. But if your article images have watermarks added by any means, the module can proceed these images and create thumbnails.
We are not aware of any watermarks plugins.
Our modules doesn't add any changes in your articles images, so no doesn't add any watermarks. But if your article images have watermarks added by any means, the module can proceed these images and create thumbnails.
We are not aware of any watermarks plugins.

Before I buy newest version of RAXO
I have a client already using RAXO All-Mode Pro (version 1.2). The problem is RAXO creates a high load on the server on which their website resides. Without page cache turned on the server will crash. This means the client has to wait 5 minutes in order to see new content posted. This also adds a PHP No Flag to every image which triggers our CXS scanner (false positive).
Would purchasing the newest version of RAXO All-Mode Pro address these issues?
Would purchasing the newest version of RAXO All-Mode Pro address these issues?
Re: Things I need to know before use RAXO
That's nonsense. 5 min delay has nothing to do with high load server issue.This means the client has to wait 5 minutes in order to see new content posted.
The module uses MySQL queries caching equal 5 min by default to improve the module performance. If you don't need to cache your MySQL queries, you can decrease this cache time or disable it all. There is an instruction on our forum how to do that: viewtopic.php?p=4580#p4580
You should know that any Joomla module creates server load because it does some job. Our module is a multipurpose tool and it depends on how you use it.The problem is RAXO creates a high load on the server on which their website resides. Without page cache turned on the server will crash.
First. When a page is loaded first time the module creates thumbnails, which is a big consuming work but it's performed just once. So next time this page is loaded, thumbnails are loaded from cache. So it's important to make sure your server uses image caching and has solid caching time. Otherwise, you do get high server load because this big job is repeated all the time. For our clients we wrote a post the forum and described how to check site performance and set server side caching right: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=880
Second thing. If you display 1000 items on one page, with thumbnails, rating, sorted by number of comments and other complicated module filters and settings, plus you decide to disable caching on your site at all making your server do the job for any new user visiting your site. It means that you create serious server loading literally with your own hands. This is an example of no brainer usage of the module.
We've created a highly optimized universal tool. It's really depends on you how to use it.