Thumbnails from images located on other sites

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Thumbnails from images located on other sites

Post by YSN »

Does the module get images for the slider from the article even if the image isn't saved on the site? i.e. the main image is copied and pasted rather than uploaded to the server.
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Re: Thumbnails from images located on other sites

Post by Lisa »

Yes, our module supports thumbnail creation for article images that are located on other sites.
We say about this on the module features page:
External Image Support
The module can also create thumbnails from images located on other domains, image hostings or social network sites.
For security reasons this option not enabled for all sites, but you still can do that.
By default, there is a list of allowed sites. You can easily expand this list by adding the sites you need.
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Re: Thumbnails from images located on other sites

Post by LouPhi »

Could you please guide me how to add a site to the list of allowed sites ?

Many Thanks
For security reasons this option not enabled for all sites, but you still can do that.
By default, there is a list of allowed sites. You can easily expand this list by adding the sites you need.
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Re: Thumbnails from images located on other sites

Post by Admin »

Please read topic about thumbnails in Customer Support area:

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