Load Module Position at one side of content

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Load Module Position at one side of content

Post by Buldre »

Is it possible to place Load Module Position on the right or left side of the content, not only between paragraphs?
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Re: Load Module Position at one side of content

Post by Admin »

Well, the question looks strange a bit. Usually, site templates have left and right side bars with module positions.
Are you sure your site template doesn't have side bar module positions?
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Joined: Mar 25, 2016 6:33 pm

Re: Load Module Position at one side of content

Post by Buldre »

Thank's for your reply. Of course the templates have left and right side bars with module positions, but what I am searching for, is the possibility of module placement on the left or right side of the text inside the article, and that’s quite different from modules on the side of the article, outside of content.

The advantage of a module innside the content is that headline, main picture and intro text can be in the full width of the content, while the article's text provides space for a module at one of the sides.

Something like this: http://www. tv2 .no/underholdning/8164790/

Or like this: http://www. itromso .no/nyheter/2016/03/25/Krever-avgj%C3%B8relse-fra-byr%C3%A5det-12521425.ece
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Re: Load Module Position at one side of content

Post by Admin »

Thank you for the detailed clarification. Now I see your point and I like the idea.

RAXO Load Position plugin can help you to insert a module position in a desired place inside your article body. The task is to move this position to the right or to the left side of the article text. This is a CSS task and we give several instructions how to do that in the forum support area for this plugin.

So in short, yes, this is possible with RAXO Load Position Plugin.

Example screenshot of right side module position inserted in Joomla article body:
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