RAXO module compatibility with my site template
RAXO module compatibility with my site template
Quick question, would the RAXO module layouts work on top of a Helix3 template? My plan is to rely on a Helix3 for the main template and then use module templates to present articles. Is this possible?
Re: Module Templates and Helix3
We don't see any problems with that.
Our modules can be used in any module position on any properly made Joomla site template.
Our modules can be used in any module position on any properly made Joomla site template.

compatibility and image issue
Currently I am developing a website with JA Teline V.
I want to use Raxo All-mode PRO and specifically your Pagination layout.
Since you don’t have a free version for me to test, can you please tell me if your module is compatible with that template. JA Teline V use T3 framework and custom modules by Joomlart.
I have seen some online posts that say the module works but does not show thumbnails and only image placeholder. (other forums than yours, since your forum does not give access to any tech support).
I have asked Joomlart support and they say it’s other people’s problem, i.e. Raxo. I hope you will not say that it is other people’s problem too.
I sent the above text via email from your site to support team 3 days ago and no reply.
Can you please answer me here.
Currently I am developing a website with JA Teline V.
I want to use Raxo All-mode PRO and specifically your Pagination layout.
Since you don’t have a free version for me to test, can you please tell me if your module is compatible with that template. JA Teline V use T3 framework and custom modules by Joomlart.
I have seen some online posts that say the module works but does not show thumbnails and only image placeholder. (other forums than yours, since your forum does not give access to any tech support).
I have asked Joomlart support and they say it’s other people’s problem, i.e. Raxo. I hope you will not say that it is other people’s problem too.
I sent the above text via email from your site to support team 3 days ago and no reply.
Can you please answer me here.
Re: RAXO module compatibility with Joomlart template
Many of our customers successfully use Joomlart templates with RAXO modules on their sites (even I use their framework on my test platformtrafii wrote: Mar 06, 2020 6:28 pm ...can you please tell me if your module is compatible with that template. JA Teline V use T3 framework and custom modules by Joomlart.

After the purchase, you will have access to the private sections of the forum, as well as to our support team.I have seen some online posts that say the module works but does not show thumbnails and only image placeholder. (other forums than yours, since your forum does not give access to any tech support).
Even if you have any problems with the thumbnails, we will help you solve them.
Thank you for indicating this, only after that, I could find your letter - it was in spam, sorry.I sent the above text via email from your site to support team 3 days ago and no reply.
Can you please answer me here.