RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

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RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Lisa »

Hi bassem!
Thank you a lot for your ideas.
1- concerning SEO. you should consider changing articles headings to <h1> instead of <h3> to increase the Search engine crawlability chances.
Let's take that you have 20 news on one page and each of them has heading <h1>. We don't think that this is effective SEO practice.
Anyway, you can change yourself the headings to <h1> in your template.

Code: Select all

<h3 class="allmode_title"> ... </h3>
and change to:
<h1 class="allmode_title"> ... </h1>
2 - can u add the option of hiding the article's images of non top items
Again, you can do by editing your module tempate ;)
If you don't need images in "ordinary" items, just delete the code responsible for the images output:

Code: Select all

	<?php if ($item->image) : ?>
	<div class="allmode_img"><?php echo $item->image; ?></div>
	<?php endif; ?>
If you do that, no thumbnails for ordinary items will be created at all, so no additional loading and you'll save a lot in performance.
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Re: Some important suggestion

Post by Lisa »

3- it would be very nice of you to give the choice for the admin to choose the position of the image and links "heading" order instead of getting it only done when setting item as "top item" this gives a lot of space to customize and impower this nice module .
As far as we understood, you are talking about the consequence of the "fields" (title, images, text, readmore). We'll write a tutorial on this soon. Just keep tracking.
4- if i have used the component twice in a page to show random articles "in different shapes" is it possible to check articles ID's to not let the same article repeat in the same page again and having a uneqe content ?
We cannot do that.
What if you use SOURCE SELECTION. E.g. random articles from categories 1, 3 to display in "module 1", and random articles from categories 2, 4 to display in "module 2". So the same articles won't be displayed twice on one page.
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Re: Some important suggestion

Post by bassem »

thanks a lot
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by JacquesBonet »

hi all

up for this post :mrgreen:

i'm interested in the possibility to show our rating system in the module (we are using extra vote)

- another great feature could be a "new" indicator, near the title with the possibility to configure in the backend the number of days the "new" indicator should appear :D

our website : http://www.gearcompetition.com/

thanks for your great module, a must have !
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Snu210 »


Just a suggestion, I might have overlooked it somewhere but is it possible to have a "title linkable" button so that the article page title can be made linkable or not?
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Lisa »

I'm not sure if i got your question.
If you mean to make article titles in the module blocks clickable - that's module default setting.
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Admin »

Both of your ideas seem interesting to me. Thank you for the useful proposals.
I cannot promise anything regarding the dates. But I've started exploring rating systems for future support by the module.

Module developments and new features are based on our customers' requests. The more people vote for a particular idea, the higher priority it is and more chances that this feature will be included in the following updates.
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by bassem »

hello , Thanks for the follow up , i just have 2 suggestions for this gr8 module :

1- as u have implemented lately to configure the image for Top items separately from other items : is it possible to separate the intro text of the also so i can treat Top items separately with into text but keeping other items as Links only(titles) . u can check example of this on AOL news portal :http://www.aolnews.com/?icid=navbar_News
as u can c the featured (top item) has intro text while the titles beside (top stories) has only titles with no intro text , i thinks its a simple idea yet can make a lot difference to the module and give it more flexibility.

2- would be nice if integrated "Social Bookmarks" like [facebook , myspaces, digg , ..] to the articles , u know its very essential now on every single article or news.

Thanks ,
Bassem ;)
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Admin »

Thank you.
In fact you proved my thoughts. The first one will occur for sure, though I have some even more flexible ideas. I won't go into details - let leave it as a pleasant surprise for the customers.

The second idea is interesting... Yes, that can be in demand. I'll think how to realize it.
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filter articles by year

Post by cluecking »

First of all thanks for this great component. I am able to customize it pretty well for my needs.
I have a request for advanced filter options though:
In general I have various options to select and filter articles, which is great.
Concerning the article dates I can select a time interval in days, which starts with the current time.
I would like to display articles by year, so I need to specify the start and end date, or a start date plus the time interval.
Is something like that possible with the current version (eg. by modifying some code)?
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