Thank you a lot for your ideas.
Let's take that you have 20 news on one page and each of them has heading <h1>. We don't think that this is effective SEO practice.1- concerning SEO. you should consider changing articles headings to <h1> instead of <h3> to increase the Search engine crawlability chances.
Anyway, you can change yourself the headings to <h1> in your template.
Code: Select all
<h3 class="allmode_title"> ... </h3>
and change to:
<h1 class="allmode_title"> ... </h1>
Again, you can do by editing your module tempate2 - can u add the option of hiding the article's images of non top items

If you don't need images in "ordinary" items, just delete the code responsible for the images output:
Code: Select all
<?php if ($item->image) : ?>
<div class="allmode_img"><?php echo $item->image; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>