RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

Presale questions & requests related to RAXO modules
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by LynneM »

I am in the planning stages for a new website and have been looking at this module & additional template. It would be perfect for what I'm looking for. I would also like to request the ability to post content based on current date (like a calendar). If I have a tag for October 10 on several articles and the date is October 10 these would show automatically. Also K2 support would be great!
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by consolidated »

Hi. I love the module and only have one request. Because I use it to replace my main category blog on the home page, I have been having trouble creating a single syndication feed to give to google feedburner. An option to show a RSS link somewhere would be great.
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by galbur »

Really a great module. I like the proper an clear Backendinterface and the possibilities.
I have three suggestions:

1. For me the most important: To use the Raxo-Module as an Automenu, it would be great when i have a class "active" for a selected link.

2. A possibility to enable/disable "Title as link". (off course i can that remove in the template)

3. The possiblity to count chracters OR words for "title", "intro"

Thank you
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Admin »

Thank you for your suggestions.
it would be great when i have a class "active" for a selected link
It's more a template feature, than a module one. I've prepared a step-by-step tutorial how to implement this.
See this topic: http://raxo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1948
A possibility to enable/disable "Title as link"
Yes, by default titles in our module have links. In majority of cases it is what is required from the module.
There is no sense to overload the module administration panel with rarely used feature, especially if this link can be easily removed in a template (you know that).
The possibility to count characters OR words for "title", "intro"
Our module uses smart text limitation. "Smart" means that words are never cut. Also, limitation by characters is more exact than limitation by words.
Considering these facts, for me it's hard to imagine when limitation by words can be needed. Could you explain?
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Re: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by galbur »

Thank you for answering.
It's more a template feature, than a module one. I've prepared a step-by-step tutorial how to implement this.
See this topic: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1948
Great! I will try this..
There is no sense to overload the module administration panel with rarely used feature, especially if this link can be easily removed in a template (you know that).
Ok You are right. I't s not a big thing to change the template. I only think soemtimes it's a little redundant to have title and readmore...
Our module uses smart text limitation. "Smart" means that words are never cut. Also, limitation by characters is more exact than limitation by words.
Great. I didn't realise that. (Smart text limitation)

Thank you
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Raxo all mode - new features.

Post by Orleta »

Raxo all-mode is a great module, but needs new features.
Take a look at this website http://www.realmadrid.com/en
It module add social buttons and four additional buttons.
For this you need a plugin - that will let you to insert links in the article.

For example. Activate module two links by setting "Enable link" to "Yes". For each link, select the graphics, but do not give the website address.
In article we put the plugin {raxolink1: link} {raxolink2: link}
The module knows that he must display graphics links.

This will let you to insert links with any of the components. That will be grate! :lol:

I hope it is clear. Sorry for my english :oops:
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Re: RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Lisa »

nope, this is not clear. We don't understand what you want to add - social links or some other links? What is the module role in this?

The best way to explain is to show (send screenshots) what is your final module layout with description of the elements.
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Re: RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Orleta »

Please look at attachement. I add three screenshots.
First - backend module features
Second - frontend modul features
Third - plugin raxolink features

These feature will be looks good at rational theme.
For screenshots:
I hope it is clear now.
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Re: RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Lisa »

Your request regarding social buttons is clear. Actually, in customer forum area we have an easy instruction how to add social buttons to a module template.

The second request is a rear task and has narrow application.
The way you suggest how to add 3 links at the bottom of the text is very complicated. There are much more easy and elegant methods how to do that.

1. If the three links (my gallery, my video, forum) are always the same for every article, then the module solution is very simple.
2. If the the links are different for the articles, it makes the task harder, but still feasible with the current module functionality.

The concrete instructions how to implement these ideas could be added to the forum customer area by a client request.
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Re: RAXO All-mode PRO - Suggestions and Feature Requests

Post by Orleta »

Forlinks is a second method. Links are different for the articles.

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