I'am very interested in your All-mode PRO module. Before buying it I would like to know if it is possible to use the module twice on a same page or is there a risk of conflict ?
For example I wish to use it in his All-mode Carousel option in the top-position of my template and as All-mode Portal option in a position below. Is it possible ?
Thanks for your answer.
Using All-mode Pro twice on a page
Re: Using All-mode Pro twice on a page
Yes, you can use several (2 and more) module copies with different module templates on one page.

Re: Using All-mode Pro twice on a page
I can not use several (2 and more) module copies on one templates page. There is a some conflict and allmode-portal stop work properly the thumbs disappears. All the rest are fine?
Re: Using All-mode Pro twice on a page
For thumbnails, please use the instruction http://raxo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=12
If you still have questions, please post them in Customer Support forum area, make sure you include enough information about your problem http://raxo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=235
If you still have questions, please post them in Customer Support forum area, make sure you include enough information about your problem http://raxo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=235

Can we use Raxo All-mode pro on multiple pages?
I apologize if this is a basic question, but can these modules be used on multiple pages within my website?
Re: Can we use Raxo All-mode pro on multiple pages?
Yes of course.themulch wrote: Sep 15, 2018 4:05 am ... can these modules be used on multiple pages within my website?
You can use our modules multiple times, both on one and on several pages of your site.