Latest News and Extension Updates

RAXO Additional Layouts - J4 Update

Happy New Year guys! We have just released an update for the three most popular RAXO module layouts: Pagination, Portal, and Prime. The layouts in this update package are now fully compatible with RAXO modules for Joomla 4.

UPDATE: RAXO Pagination - version 1.7
UPDATE: RAXO Portal - version 1.7
UPDATE: RAXO Prime - version 1.3

RAXO Pagination - version 1.7
New features:

  • Added support for Block Intro module field;
  • Compatible with modules for Joomla 4.


  • Fixed faded texts in tooltips in Joomla 4 admin panel.

RAXO Portal - version 1.7
New features:

  • Added support for Block Intro module field;
  • Added a new responsive breakpoint: xxl ≥1400px;
  • Compatible with modules for Joomla 4.


  • Fixed clipping of text overflow in some cases for TOP items;
  • Localization of text Rating;
  • Fixed faded texts in tooltips in Joomla 4 admin panel.

RAXO Prime - version 1.3
New features:

  • Added support for Block Intro module field;
  • Compatible with modules for Joomla 4.


  • Fixed Block Button link size;
  • Changed turquoise color scheme;
  • Fixed faded texts in tooltips in Joomla 4 admin panel.

see all additional layouts