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Module RAXO Related Articles compatible with Joomla 5

We're happy to announce that it's time to update another module for presenting your content. Showing related articles below your article is a great way to keep visitors on your website. That’s why lots of website owners already use RAXO Related Articles module to reduce the number of visitors leaving the site after reading an article.

As a bonus, search engines follow the links too! When you add internal links (read: related articles) between thematically related content on your site, it helps search engines better understand what your site is about and what topics you cover.

RAXO Related Articles Modules

RAXO Related Articles J4 - version 2.02 - compatible with Joomla 5 and Joomla 4
RAXO Related Articles J3 - version 1.11 - compatible with Joomla 3

New features:


What's new in this module version

Since the list of changes in this version is almost the same as in our other module RAXO All-mode PRO, we did not describe these changes again in this blog post. If you want to learn more about what exactly was done, go to this post: Update RAXO All-mode PRO v2.03