Difference between Single, Bundle, and Developer plans.

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Difference between Single, Bundle, and Developer plans.

Post by chgeiselmann »

I am a long-time Raxo Allmode Pro user since I guess 2008 or so.
Raxo Allmode Pro has ever since been a cornerstone of my websites.

I am now going to create a new website in Joomla 3.9, and I suppose it is time to buy a new version of Raxo Allmode Pro (the last update I got was from 2016).

However, I do not really understand the difference between the four plans you offer:

1) Single: What does "get a single module" mean? Does it mean I can use Raxo Allmode Pro only once (for one content item, say, a thumbnailed news list) on the website, but not twice, e.g. for a thumbnailed news list and a thumbnailed list of project partners?

2) Bundle vs. Developper: For "Bundle" you offer 4 built-in layouts plus 8 additional layouts, but for Developper you do not offer the 8 additional layouts. Huh?

3) Developper: The only thing (except the strange things about the number of layouts) I see added visavis "Bundle" is the "Advanced and Priority Support".

Use on own vs. "client" websites: How do you differentiate between "own" and "client"? - I create websites for our educational organisation. I suppose these can be seen as "my own" (as I am setting them up and running them), although legally the owner is my educational organisation. If I now create a website for a different educational organisatoin - is this then okay to use "Bundle" for this, or must it be "Developper"?

Perhaps you have clearer information about this somewhere, but I did not find it. If so, you might just give me the link.

Thank you,
Kind regars,

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Re: Difference between Single, Bundle, and Developer plans.

Post by Admin »

The main differences between the plans are summarized in the table on the module purchase page.
Pay attention to the highlighted features, which clarify what you get in each plan.

Here I will try to explain in simple words who each plan is suitable for and when it is more beneficial for you.

What you get:
Module (with 4 built-in layouts) + Updates + Support

Suitable for:
You want to try RAXO modules on your site, but you don't want to spend much money on the product and company that you don't really know yet.

What you get:
Module (with 4 built-in layouts) + Additional layouts + Updates + Support

Suitable for:
First of all, for those who liked our additional layouts. When you don't want to spend time on your own development and want to get ready-made solutions. It's a big time and money saver. We really encourage you to try making either yourself or hiring someone for creating layouts - then you'll be amazed well how elaborate and well- designed our layouts are, and how cheap we sell them. Yes, we really care for our clients.

Also, Bundle gives you good discounts for both the module and additional layouts. Buying these products in a pack reasonably saves your money.

What you get:
Module (with 4 built-in layouts) + Updates + Advanced & priority support

Suitable for:
For developers who intend to use the module intensively on various sites - own sites and/or clients' sites.
By choosing the Developer plan you can rely on our qualified support. So far we've been able to provide a solution to every problem our developer clients asked.
This plan is popular with web studios, individual developers aka freelancers. They love to use the module on practically every new Joomla site that they develop. Rather than buying a separate Single plan for each new project and new client, the Developer plan is beneficial starting from 3 projects.

Advanced & priority support
Questions from Developers are handled first. This is significant for those who are time-sensitive when solving issues. Quite often our support for developers goes beyond our usual support, this concerns solving compatibility problems with other extensions, help with customizations, and our advice if possible modifications/improvements are required.

As for the layouts:
Most often developers create their own module layouts for the specific tasks and design of the current project. Well, at any moment you can buy our additional layouts separately (when buying 3 or more in one order, a discount is applied automatically).
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