Updates with Purchase?

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Updates with Purchase?

Post by Frank »

I was just wondering if there was a specified time included for free updates to All Mode Pro? In general this is usually 12 months or up to a major revision. This is not currently specified anywhere on the site.

Security releases are obviously my biggest concern. I would hesitate to use this on client sites if I knew that I would not have access to security patches and updates.

All Mode Pro does look like a great module that is highly configurable. Well done.
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Re: Updates with Purchase?

Post by Admin »

Yes, you get updates with purchase.

When you buy RAXO All-mode PRO, you're subscribed automatically to all updates up to a major revision free of charge for a year since your last purchase. You will be notified by email, including a link to download the update.
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Re: Updates with Purchase?

Post by Frank »

Thanks very much, that's just what I needed to hear.
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Post by pippus »

I intend to buy RAXO All-mode PRO J1.5 and I have some questions:
What happens with future versions or security updates? I have the right to download? For how long?
Thank you!
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Re: Upgrades?

Post by Lisa »

When purchasing RAXO All-mode PRO J1.5 you'll be entitled for all update for J1.5 version.
When purchasing RAXO All-mode PRO J1.7 you'll be entitled for all updates for this module version. Note, this module version is compatible with J1.6 and J1.7, and will be compatible with J2.5.
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Post by barkley »

I noticed that the module hasn't been updated since Nov 29th of last year (at least that is the blog post that it points to). Are you still actively developing for this module? Have there actually been updates since 11.29.13?

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Re: Updates with Purchase?

Post by Lisa »

Yes, we keep the development of our modules.

To release an update there should be a solid reason. Usually, it's one of the two - either fixes for some known bugs or implementation of new features. The module your refer to is stable, works as claimed, the clients use it successfully on their sites. We do not know about any problems with this version, so there is nothing to fix.

If you found some bugs - tell us about this here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2544
If you want new features - post your request here viewtopic.php?f=8&t=244

We are not fans of frequent updates and do not release new versions just for the sake of updates. In our opinion, frequent updates signal that the previous version of the product was not properly done.

In contrast, our company is famous for its high quality standards. Before the new release we thoroughly test our products to avoid any bugs and errors when the product reaches the client. So whenever you get an update of a RAXO module or template you can be sure that it's worked out perfectly.
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Post by EdtechFreak »

Ho do I update my RAXO All-mode PRO extension on my site?
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Re: Upgrades

Post by Admin »

To receive module updates, you must have an actual subscription (purchase of the module less than a year ago).

Please renew your module purchase and we will send a link to download the latest module version.
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Main differences between Raxo Allmode Pro 1.4 and 1.9

Post by chgeiselmann »

I have been using Raxo Allmode Pro since about 2008.
Last version I received was 1.4 (in 2016), if I remember correctly.

I would like to understand what are the main developments in Raxo Allmode Pro since then (i.e. from 1.4 to 1.9).

Especially I am interested in

1) Compatibility with older and newer versions of Joomla: - I am currently using the 1.4 version succesfully on a Joomla 2.5 site. I am now going to create a new Joomla 3.9 site. Would the old Raxo Allmode Pro 1.4 still do the job there? Or should I expect issues?

2) Compatibility with responsive designs: So far my sites were with fix layout, non-responsive. I will now use responsive designs. Is there a relevant difference between version 1.4 and 1.9 regarding how it displays in responsive designs?

Thank you,
Kind regards,

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