This time we announce updates for both modules RAXO Related Articles and RAXO Related K2 Items. The most important about this release is a new extremely useful feature that many of our clients are waiting for. Starting with this update these RAXO modules have an option to exclude some tags. It means the tags selected will be ignored by the module when searching for related articles. The same option is available for meta keywords.
This time we are coming with a module release that doesn't imply lots of new features and improvements, yet it's still very important. We do recommend to install this update because it provides you with a fix for module class suffix application.
In contrast to our usual updates with lots of new features and improvements, this module release is laconic. However, this is a recommended update that cannot wait because it provides a fix for module class suffix application.
The latest update for our powerful K2 news module has some milestone changes. If you use RAXO All-mode K2 extensively and place it on many pages of your site, this module version can significantly increase your efficiency. Key changes in this release are about source selection which we managed to make even more convenient and ergonomic for module users. New function helps to dynamically display K2 items from current category will improve your productivity.
We believe this module update will significantly increase your efficiency especially for those who use module extensively on their sites. Key changes in this version are about source selection which we managed to make even more convenient and ergonomic for module users. New function that allows you to dynamically display Joomla articles from current category can skyrocket your productivity.
We watch with interest and proud how the module grows in popularity. Previous module version is stable, no complaints about it. However, we found a minor unpleasant detail. Since we cannot stand any imperfections, we decided to fix that in order to make the new module version flawless.
A new version of feature rich module to present related items for K2 is ready to be delivered to our clients. In this update we added a new filter by featured items and accordingly a new ordering of the items in the module display. We know that some of our clients are looking forward to use this option.
We keep working on our modules to make them better and better in all details. After this update of RAXO All-mode K2 J3.x you'll be able to set a date range of your Joomla news or articles displayed by the module with an accuracy of up to an hour or even up to a minute.
This release contains lots of improvements that probably are not visible at first glance, but they are very important and do improve module's performance. Our efforts result in a Joomla extension of the best quality.
We do our best to create powerful Joomla extensions that help people to present content. Our products have already made thousands of sites look stylish and professional.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at our presale email. We'll be happy to hear from you and to answer all your questions!
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