Please welcome the new version and the new name of our Joomla plugin.
Former RAXO Load Module Position is now RAXO Insert Position, which, in our opinion, better reflects the functionality. The new key feature - you can add an unlimited number of module positions inside your Joomla articles.
Finally, the next major version of Joomla! is here. We are impressed by the number of improvements and new features. We believe that the totally new Joomla has got a real future and will become a more powerful and easy-to-use CMS platform.
We were quick in releasing RAXO All-mode PRO for Joomla 4, supplemented with automatic migration from the previous module version. We did the hard and boring part so you can enjoy the new possibilities on your sites immediately.
Good news, we are announcing the release of a new version of another additional layout. RAXO Portal is highly regarded by users of major news portals, magazines created with Joomla. Changes in this release, such as light and clean design, responsive behavior and simple controls, lazy loading of images ... all make this layout a powerful and comprehensive solution for large Joomla sites.
In this update the layout made to be compatible with the new versions of our All-mode modules and, which is absolutely new for this particular layout, to work with our Related modules: RAXO Related Articles and RAXO Related K2 Items. Besides, we implemented lots of most wanted fixes and improvements.
Back then Pagination was the very first additional layout for RAXO modules that we created to expand the module ready-to-use solutions for our clients. Now RAXO Pagination becomes the first layout that we rework to be compatible with all RAXO modules, including RAXO related modules. There are many new cool features in this update. The one that you’ll love is that this layout now uses lazy loading of images.
We do our best to create powerful Joomla extensions that help people to present content. Our products have already made thousands of sites look stylish and professional.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at our presale email. We'll be happy to hear from you and to answer all your questions!
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