Joomla team has made a big step in development by releasing a new Joomla 3.5. We are really excited about it because it offers new features and also fully supports PHP 7. You'll be surprised how much faster the sites that use Joomla 3.5 with PHP 7 are. See as an example - just wander around the site and make sure that page loads are almost instant.
We've been hit with many questions about our products and new Joomla 3.5 support. Yes, RAXO modules support Joomla 3.5 and PHP 7. However, we decided to use this Joomla 3.5 information occasion to release a new RAXO All-mode PRO J3.x v1.4 module with lots of important improvements.
We are ready to deliver a new version of popular RAXO Related Articles Joomla module to our clients. With this update the module gets a new filter by featured articles and we know that some of our clients were so eager to get this new option. Sure, this is not the only benefit. For the full list of new features and improvements go inside.
Joomla! 3.5 has just been released! It's an important milestone for Joomla development. The main three things that you must know about the new Joomla has more than 2000 improvements and 34 new features, has more ergonomic administration panel and (what we appreciate a lot!) it supports recently released PHP 7, which significantly increases your website speed.
We are happy to announce a new release of RAXO Related K2 Items. Due to close interaction with our clients we've discovered more about K2 component and its specific features. The new knowledge let us adjust RAXO Related K2 Items module to work better with this component. See more about the important improvements inside.
This plugin is growing in popularity, and we got some requests from people who want to use this plugin with K2 component. We are adding K2 support with this update! Now RAXO Load Module Position plugin can add module positions to Joomla article pages and to K2 item pages.
Today we release a new version of RAXO Related Articles Joomla module. Main thing you gain with this update is date filtration options. These new filters will be of much use on your Joomla site because they will let you form dynamically changing list of related articles that will always provide a fresh set of related content. See more details inside.
Today our clients receive a new release of RAXO All-mode K2 J3.x module. The most important things in this update are new author filters. We substantially expanded this option and now you can filter K2 items by author or author alias. Read the blog post to get more details about new module features and improvements.
Today we are announcing a new release of RAXO All-mode PRO J3.x. With this update your RAXO module gets some new great features. One of the most important things — author filter has been substantially expanded and now you can filtrate articles by author or author alias. Read the blog post to get more details about this and other new features.
We do our best to create powerful Joomla extensions that help people to present content. Our products have already made thousands of sites look stylish and professional.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at our presale email. We'll be happy to hear from you and to answer all your questions!
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