Latest News and Extension Updates

Finally, the next major version of Joomla! is here. We are impressed by the number of improvements and new features. We believe that the totally new Joomla has got a real future and will become a more powerful and easy-to-use CMS platform.
We were quick in releasing RAXO All-mode PRO for Joomla 4, supplemented with automatic migration from the previous module version. We did the hard and boring part so you can enjoy the new possibilities on your sites immediately.

RELEASE: RAXO All-mode PRO J4.x - version 2.01

New features:


  • The module folder has been renamed to "mod_raxo_allmode_pro";
  • Localization files (DE, EN and RU) significantly improved and expanded to make module user experience clear and easy-to-follow.

More friendly module administration interface

Hope you’ll love using the new module administration panel that matches Joomla 4 UI. The improved and responsive module interface is much more user-friendly and looks great on any device.

Module Block Fields

The new version of the module lets you add introduction text to the module block. Our clients have constantly asked to add this feature, so now you have it. The introductory text is very useful, it may contain some explanations of what exactly you are showing in the module block, which adds clarity to the site visitors. HTML syntax is supported, so you can use rich text, links, and even insert images.

WebP Image Support

WebP is an image format that can reduce file sizes of images without loss of visual clarity. Sounds good, right? Frustratingly, the format has taken a significant amount of time to be supported by all major web browsers. The situation has changed over the recent years, so we add support for WebP images in RAXO modules.

Automatic Migration from 3.x to 4.x

As you can tell, the module has too many changes - the code, interface, new fields and so on. Migration to Joomla 4 is painful for many extensions, users are warned that settings they had in older versions will be erased.

Definitely, it’s not the case with RAXO. Our goal was to make the migration smooth and automatic for our clients. We care for you so we made sure that all settings for all RAXO module instances are not lost. So we created an installation script that detects and automatically updates your RAXO All-mode PRO J3.x version to the new module compatible with Joomla 4.