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Joomla sites showcase
RAXO Clients Showcase #2

In the second report I'd like to show you how great RAXO modules work for big news portals made with Joomla. You'll see how they help to present good amount of news and articles on the site's main page to make it informative and keep site users attracted. Welcome to viewing.

News portal in Salta, Argentina - noticias.iruya.com

This site uses RAXO All-mode PRO module and module templates All-mode Default, All-mode Columns, All-mode Bricks.

This site is a good example of how you can build wonderful Joomla portal pages with the module and its built-in templates right out of the box. To develop this page there was no need for CSS or other skills, you just put the module copies in module positions and adjust module parameters according to your needs.

noticias.iruya.com - News portal in Argentina

935 News - Greek news portal.


This site uses RAXO All-mode PRO module, its built-in templates and additional module templates All-mode Portal and All-mode Pagination.

All-mode Portal template was rightfully chosen for news output on the main page. This template was developed to group a large amount of news compactly and save valuable space. Several module copies are set to automatically display latest news from the categories.

In the right bar RAXO modules are placed in tabs, which is a known trick for content-rich websites. By placing the modules in tabs you can display lots of items using little space of your page.

news.935radio.gr - Greek news portal

Khakassia news agency - 19rus.info

This site uses RAXO All-mode K2 module and modified module templates.

RAXO module has its own great templates that you can use immediately, which you could see in the previous showcases. However, we are aware that we cannot provide a separate template for every site and situation. That's why one of the module's cool features is to let you create your own module templates. We did our best to simplify that task for you - the module templates are well-structured and their code is well-commented. So with basic CSS and PHP skills you can build your own. See some tutorals how to do that on our support forum.

In the screenshot you can see a page that is made with 8 RAXO All-mode K2 module copies, but the module templates were altered to match newspaper design. Really good work, cool design and excellent showcase for RAXO modules.

Khakassia news agency - 19rus.info